Svetlana, the seller, Russia

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I want to thank Ekaterina and the entire company  Property Format for their help in selling our studio. We thought it was unrealistic to sell an apartment, it's so difficult. We had so many fears, but thanks to Ekaterina everything worked out. She answered all our questions. Everything is clear, professional, clear. Sometimes she even answered our questions several times. She  explained everything, everything became calm, everything was as if by notes. We had a perfect deal.  We recommend Ekaterina to everyone and, of course, Property Format. Thanks! Super! Thank you!


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Customer reviews

Victoriya, the seller, Russia

The time has come to part with my beloved...

Alexander, the seller, Russia

Продавал студию в Святом Власе, рекомендовали...

Dmitriy, the seller, Russia

Friends, hello everyone! I contacted Ekaterina,...

Olga, the seller, Russia

I want to thank Ekaterina and the agency for...