Leili, the byuer, Belarus

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Hi all! Today I became the owner of my own apartment on the sea, as I had long dreamed of, in Ravda in the Rutland Beach 1 complex. Thank you very much to Katya Adusheva and Property Format for quickly, efficiently and easily completing all this and I am very pleased that everything was done during. And thanks to both the lawyer and the notary. And I hope that your transactions and your purchases will also please you when you contact Katya and her company. Thanks a lot!


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Customer reviews

Victoriya, the seller, Russia

The time has come to part with my beloved...

Alexander, the seller, Russia

Продавал студию в Святом Власе, рекомендовали...

Dmitriy, the seller, Russia

Friends, hello everyone! I contacted Ekaterina,...

Olga, the seller, Russia

I want to thank Ekaterina and the agency for...